C o n t a c t

Here is where you can find all my following contact information if you really needed to get in touch with or just want to talk with me. Everything is current so you won't have to worry if I will answer you or not. Just remember that I don't check my e-mail that often, more like once or twice a week, so expect a later response if you were to contact me through those means. I am not crazy as to post my phone number on here but if you are someone I know and would like to or need to get in touch with me with more direct means then I'll gladly give you that info but other than that no.

AIM Information

fReaKofALLthiNgs - my primary chatting sn. i'm usually on this all day.

A v A h R i V e - my secondary sn. i sign on to this one from time to time.


freakofallthings@mindless.com - my e-mail.